Our Story
Scents@No3 - Our Journey
After completing 18 months of cancer treatment, I was searching for a new focus. My son Aiden was in college studying Digital Marketing and Business Studies. Together, we decided to start a small online business selling home décor items and gifts. We initially purchased Wax Melts wholesale to sell and soon realised that home fragrance was our true calling. To be successful, we knew we had to create home fragrance products that offered great value and outstanding results.
Our days and weeks were filled with extensive research and reading. There was so much to learn if we wanted to do this right. The day finally arrived when our first small bag of wax, a selection of oils, and some very basic equipment, including a double boiler for melting the wax on our stove, were delivered.
We began testing, trialing countless waxes, temperatures, oils, and suppliers. It was hard work, but we persevered. After months of dedication, we were happy with our products. Aiden designed our website, and before we knew it, we were live. We anxiously awaited the first ping on our phones. It was nerve-wracking, wondering if we could succeed in this already saturated market. Would customers like our brand and products?
Then came the first sale, and then another. We were so proud as we took our first orders to the post office. The reviews started coming in, and we were overwhelmed with emotion. People were loving the wax products we made in our kitchen!
Our little business quickly took over our home, prompting us to look for a workshop. Soon, we were loading up the van and moving into our very own workshop. Mother and son, growing our wax business together. The days were long, but I believe you get out of life what you put into it, and that's what we did. The workshop became our new home, with early starts and late nights becoming our new norm. Day by day, the orders increased, as did the positive reviews and feedback.
The business grew faster than we could have ever imagined, and we soon struggled to manage everything with just the two of us. That’s when my husband Steve began helping us in the evenings after his full-time day job. In January 2021, after much discussion, we decided that Steve would leave his job of 18 years to join us full-time. It was one of the scariest moments of our journey, as our safety net was gone. This business had to work as it was now our only income.
You continued loving our products, and before we knew it, we had outgrown our workshop. We needed more space, which brought us to No3 Mosses Gate. It felt like a sign since our home is also number 3, where our journey began. This is how we came up with our business name; we wanted something nostalgic to remind us of our beginnings. The van was packed, and with the new key in hand, we moved once again.
As of August 2023, with over 70,000 customers and Royal Mail collections three times a day, our business looks very different from when we first started. Our products are hand-poured by Steve at No3 Mosses Gate workshop. Aiden manages our website and marketing. I oversee all aspects of the business, helping with orders, creating new products, and chatting with you through email and messenger. I love every second of my new life!
Thank you for taking the time to read our story. Most importantly, thank you for being part of our journey. We look forward to continuing our wax journey with you!

We would make all of our products at home in our kitchen, then take them to our spare bedroom where orders were packed and shipped.

We made the decision to move into a small workshop

We moved to a new workshop which is 3x bigger than our previous premises, this gave us the room to expand and grow our business.